The Village of Waterford, Virginia
   A National Historic Landmark

photos of Waterford VA Our annual fair is over 50 years old Waterford gardening activities and natural resources What we do on July 4th Waterford's history About our town
about the village
Visiting historic Waterford
How to get to Waterford
History of Waterford
About the fair including photos
Village and historical maps
articles and news
Information for residents
site index
about the Foundation
about the WCA
1PLs - Personal loan from 1000 to 35000 dollars

Go to the Foundation web site Foundation events About the citizens' association About the citizens' association Join the WCA web pages for members only

Calm the Traffic and Bury the Wires

tree down on Second Street
Example of traffic calming

house with wires Burying the wires

Status and information on the Loudoun County 2003 Waterford Tame the Traffic & Bury the Wires Study

Actions and articles dealing with Waterford traffic

Traffic surveys

Internet information on traffic calming including examples of its use in villages

For many years, a goal of the citizens of Waterford has been to bury the overhead power and telephone wires and slow the traffic going through the town. The speeding traffic affects the historic buildings as well as the safety of the villagers and visitors. The overhead wires destroy the beauty and historical ambiance of the village that has made it a National Historic Village.

Currently, monies granted to the Waterford Citizens' Association, the Waterford Parent and Teachers Association, and the Waterford Foundation are being used to create an engineering study to determine the cost and design criteria required to calm traffic and bury the overhead wires. The Loudoun County Department of Transportation will contract a six-month engineering study starting in the Winter of 2003. The results of this study will then be used to solicit funds to have the actual work done.


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traffic, bury wires, traffic calming, roads, esthetics, burying overhead wires, automobile spped reduction, waterford, va, virginia, waterford va, historic towns, loudoun county, civil war towns, villages, village, national historic landmark


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